9/9/24 Nortubel part 7/Herrko

If Greklovick was heavy on sci-fi, Herrko is fantasy.

Passwords: "e1rr4c", "n1rt4k", "n1vl3m", "n4myl3", "p3bble", "iv4nnn", "eul0r1" and "uulg44".

  • Third companion: Uulga, she doesn’t need to climb ladders and doesn’t get hurt unlike Stella. Her one weakness is being too big for some paths but you’ll manage that.
  • Enemy: Orc (Or rather Horg) that uses his hammer to shoot a shockwave that can stun you and your Companion (When playable).
  • Enemy: Goblin (Or rather Ghalbeen) that shoots an arrow that chases the Player.
  • With both these enemies, you can at least destroy their projectiles.
  • Enemy: Corrupted Tsoovukut knight that can summon a shield and then attack with a sword.
  • NPC/Prefab hybrid sort of: A large creature with a small wooden platform on top and you can see some art of what they look like.
  • Prefabs: Some moving platform stuff like a magic carpet and a “living” piece of furniture in Euloria's room.
  • A section where if you press a switch, lava rises up and you must go up.
  • Nort part seven level 4 has voodoo dolls of the main characters you must protect.
  • Matysha’s art in Krimblevel 2 has changed to have 2 images, therefore being animated.
  • Because of this, the book with text about “animated illustrations” has been taken out of Greklevel2 and put in the level mentioned above.
  • Resized switches in general and redid some sprites and level areas because of this.
  • Added a “resized” version of the jump pad in some levels.
  • Cutscenes 11, 12 ,13 and 14 (Related to Nort part 4 and Greklovick) have the scene paths in the pause menu’s skip button fixed)
  • Guest appearance: Dirk the Adventurer by Madness-inside/Madness2044; You kinda play a game of hide-and-seek with him.

Also, unrelated to the game but on 14th of this month, I’ll take a trip where I leave soon and return late.

So even by 15th, I may not be online.

As usual, feedback is always appreciated and so is spreading the news about this game's existence.


index.zip Play in browser
19 days ago
nortubeldemo.exe 108 MB
19 days ago
nortubel linux.zip 71 MB
19 days ago

Get Project Nortubel (Still WIP)

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