
* Added a “Please read” button and text with info related to this game’s problems.

* Added a template for an art gallery but nothing works because there’s no art (And it might be better to make this unlockable and make sure the art is good).

* Every level now uses the same “level template” script (At some point i deleted the “main level script” but because that was an AutoLoad i brought it back just in case).

* Takes 10 coins for a new life.

* I can now add level props, even if i wish the behind-the-scenes system was a bit better (And they're only used in the first level and some could look better since this is an early version of the method).

* Tried adding actual art to the first cutscene (It looks bad, i should try to redo it and use actual construction/gesture art methods).

* Player/Companion collisions don’t change anymore during swim states. This means i need to redo sprites because the visuals are misleading but at least level design can be more flexible and weird collision issues are gone.

I think the Save/Load stuff could be done much later, since i even turned off the buttons.

If anyone has any interest on how to fix the Save/Load issue, pay attention to how the game is structured (Since i obviously put it on Github) because certain threads and screenshots might be outdated.

Let me say: Being my first game, i like to think that Nortubel still has chances to be better and that my next game could consider certain things like image resolution and Save/Load options as first priorities.

Like if my journey as a game dev leads me to make more games and they end up better, Nortubel could be seen as a “rough start” that was still worth it.

I sometimes wonder if i could allow a remake (That would still have the original as a playable project just to not be entirely forgotten/replaced) just to be better presented.

I still have some ideas on how the game's story goes could.

The presentation should be better since i could use actual moving sprites, like the illusion of a camera moving to show a landscape or even effects like moving vehicles or something.

At best, the current art could be seen as “programmer art”.

Worst case scenario, i might need friends of mine to help me fix the art.

Another reason why this update took a bit longer is because i’ve been busy with other stuff like Doom mapping.


Project Nortubel HTML.zip Play in browser
Jun 14, 2023
nortubeldemo.exe 45 MB
Jun 14, 2023

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